8829 0800
6980 6884
(3 - 5.5 YEARS OLD)

Sing & Dance (Signature)
Toddlers are surrounded by music and movement since they are born. At around 2-3 years old, they usually develop a keen sense of interest in singing their favourite Cocomelon songs or doing the actions to nursery rhymes like "Wheels On The Bus" or "If You're Happy And You Know It". As they get exposed to more music, they start to develop an interest in the songs that they hear on the radio, or some oldie that mummy and daddy has been playing on their speakers. Sometimes you can even catch them bobbing to a random piece of music.
This is where our programme comes in. Adapting from the CSTD (Australia) 'Come Dance With Me' syllabus, we have come up with a holistic programme that will teach preschoolers skills that will be so important to them in their Music and Dance journey.
From a musical standpoint, they will learn more about rhythm, diction and pitch. From a dance standpoint, they will learn more about beats, movements, lines and so much more.
Not to mention, the class also teaches them about classroom etiquette, teamwork and most importantly, builds up their confidence in the long run as they learn and imitate their teachers and friends through an age appropriate repertoire.

Preschool Hip Hop &
K-Pop Combo (Signature)
We all know how K-Pop music is influencing the older children and teens around the world. This may also apply to your young toddler. Having said that, not all Choreography in K-pop is appropriate for preschoolers.
That is why we came up with our Hip Hop and K-Pop Combo class, specially designed for children 3 - 5 years old. As you may already know, a lot of K-Pop dance is based off Hip Hop and Jazz techniques. Through the use of kid-friendly K-Pop music, your child will be taught the basics of Hip Hop.
Learn more about groove, beats, bounces and poses. And as they develop more confidence, they will also be taught simple blocking to develop their understanding of space. The class also focuses a lot on developing positive classroom etiquette, encouraging them to foster teamwork with their friends and to keep themselves disciplined while learning their choreography.
Our preschool programmes are also conducted in the form of enrichment classes in preschools around Singapore. Parents will also get frequent photo and video updates so that you can keep wonderful memories of your child's growth and development in their classes.

Preschool Creative Movement
Your Child loves to move and groove to the beats they hear on their favourite song. Most parents first thought is to sign up for a ballet class. Ballet is beautiful don't get us wrong!​ But it is not for everyone. This is where Creative Movement classes come in.
Creative Movement uses dance techniques from a wide range of Dance - Ballet, Jazz, Modern and Hip Hop. Psychomotor skills are learnt from jumping, skipping and spinning with the beats of music. Students don't just follow instructions, but are also taught to imagine and create their own stories through Dance. Imagine reaching out for an apple on top of a tree, or skipping through muddy puddles. How do you mimic a bird flying in the sky?
This high energy class builds up your little one's confidence and helps to build a solid dance foundation, following which your Child can then choose if they would like to move towards Ballet, Jazz, Hip Hop or any other Dance genre at a later age.

Preschool Hip Hop
Built upon the CSTD Hip Hop syllabus, your little ones will be exposed to the foundations of Hip Hop. They will increase their awareness to music, understand their body better and most importantly, build up a keen sense of interest in Music and Dance.
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